Associate Professor
Tel: (+302610) 996005
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Curriculum Vitae
July 1988: Bachelor of Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece
June 1993: Ph.D in Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece
Professional Experience
2006 - today: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece
1999 - 2006: Lecturer in Physical Chemistry, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece
1998 - 1999: Post Doc. Researcher in Physical Chemistry
1996 - 1997: Research associate in Centre of Advanced Material Processing (C.A.M.P.), Clarkson University, Potsdam NY, U.S.A. Research director: Distinguished Professor E. Matijevic.
. Scholarship by the State Scholarship's Foundation (IKY) of Greece for
Postdoctoral research, 2003
. Scholarship by NATO - ASI (Italy, August 1991)
. N.S.F. Grant 9423163 (U.S.A., 1996 - 1997)
. Scholarship by the Instituto di Ricerca e Tecnologia delle Materie Plastiche (Italy,
October 1997).
. Teaching assistant and lab instructor (1992 - 1993).
I)Undergraduated courses
a)Physical Chemistry (Department of Physics)
Practical courses
a)Experimental Physical Chemistry III (Department of Chemistry)
b) Experimental Physical Chemistry IV (Department of Chemistry)
II)Post-Graduated courses
Physicochemical measurements by chromatographic methods (Department of Chemistry)
Research Activities
. Synthesis and characterization of colloidal particles and macromolecules.
. Interactions between air pollutants and surfaces.
. Study of exchange of air pollutants between atmospheric and water environment.
Representative Publications
- Α. Koliadima and G. Karaiskakis
Concentration and Characterization of Dilute Colloidal Samples by Potential Barrier Field-Flow Fractionation.
Chromatographia, 39, 74 (1994). - Α. Koliadima, L. Perez-Maqueda, E. Matijevic
Monodispersed colloid salts of tungstosilicic acid.
Langmuir, 13, (14) 3733 (1997). - Α. Koliadima, A. Henglein, E. Matijevic
Colloidal hydrolysis products of SbCl3 in acidic solutions.
Colloid Polym. Sci., 275, 972 (1997). - N. Bakaoukas, A. Koliadima, L. Farmakis, G. Karaiskakis and N. A. Katsanos
Time distribution of adsorption rates with lateral interactions on heterogeneous surfaces by inverse gas chromatography.
Chromatographia, 57 (11) 783 (2003). - N. Lioris, L. Farmakis, A. Koliadima, G. Karaiskakis
Estimation of the particle - wall interaction energy in sedimentation field flow fractionation.
J. Chromatogr. Α, 1087 (1-2), 13 (2005). - N. Bakaoukas, J. Kapolos, A. Koliadima, G. Karaiskakis
New gas chromatographic instrumentation for studying the action of sulfur dioxide on marbles.
J. Chromatogr. A, 1087 (1-2), 169 (2005). - L. Farmakis, A. Koliadima
The Kinetic Study of Cell Proliferation of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Strains by Sedimentation/Steric Field Flow Fractionation in Situs.
Biotechnol.Prog., 21 (3), 971 (2005). - N.A. Katsanos, N. Bakaoukas, A. Koliadima, G. Karaiskakis, A. Jannussis
Diffusion and Adsorption Measurements in Porous Solids by Inverse Gas Chromatography.
J. Phys. Chem B, 109 (22), 11240 (2005). - L. Farmakis, J. Kapolos, A. Koliadima, G. Karaiskakis
Study of the growth rate of Sacchoromyces cerevisiae strains using wheat starch granules as support for yeast immobilization monitoring by Sedimentation/Steric Field-Flow Fractionation
Food Res. Int., 40 (6) 717 (2007) - L. Farmakis, A. Koliadima, G. Karaiskakis, A. Zattoni, P. Reschiglian
Study of the influence of the surfactants on the size distribution and the mass ratio of wheat starch granules by Sedimentation/Steric Field - Flow Fractionation.
Food Hydrocolloids, In press.