Undergraduate Courses

The continuous development of the science of Chemistry as well as other related disciplines necessitate the reformation of the Department's of Chemistry Program of Studies. This reformation takes place either by adding new subjects or by modifying the syllabus of the subjects. The current program of studies was approved by the General Assembly of the Department of Chemistry (143/24-6-93). In the context of the EPEAEK program " Reformation of the Undergraduate Program of Studies in the Department of Chemistry", new subjects were introduced, such as the subject of Green Chemistry, and the laboratories were upgraded.

The Chemistry Department provides students with a full education in the whole range of subjects and skills associated with chemistry, including biochemistry, chemical technology and food science. The four-year degree qualifies our graduates for careers in the chemical industry, commercial research or analytical laboratories, or secondary education. Post-graduate studies enable our students to pursue academic careers and further their industrial career.

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Dept of Chemistry
University of Patras
University Campus
Rio Achaias
26504 Greece
Tel: (+302610) 996202 & 996205 (postsec), 996203 & 996204 (gradsec)

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