Kordouli Eleana

Assistant Professor



Web Page: http://www.chem.upatras.gr/faculty/ekordouli

List of Publications:

Contact hours: Wednesday and Thursday 10:00-12:00

Curriculum Vitae


2014-2017: PhD entitled “Development of reduced Mo promoted Ni based catalysts for biofuels production via hydrodeoxygenation”, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece

2011-2013: MSc in the program entitled “Catalysis for Antipollution and Clean Energy Production”, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece

2007-2011: BSc in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece

Foreign Languages: English, French.

Research-Writing Work:

Referred Journal publications: 39

Books: 1

Citations (exclude self-citations): >980

Academic Positions/Mobility

2024-today: Assistant Professor of Physical chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece


  • Adjunct Lecturer (spring semesters), Scientific Field of Physical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Greece
  • Collaborating faculty member of the Hellenic Open University within the framework of the Undergraduate Program Studies in Natural Sciences of the School of Applied Sciences and Technology, in the Thematic Unit Chemistry Laboratories, with an annual structure.

2021 - 2023 (5 semesters): Collaborating faculty member of the Hellenic Open University within the framework of the postgraduate studies program "Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis", for the Laboratory Thematic Unit/Laboratory of Chemical Analysis.

2021 – 2022: Autonomous teaching within the framework of the "Acquisition of Academic Experience for Young Scientists with PhDs" of the courses "Catalysis and Green Chemistry" (winter semester) and "Chemical Industries (Inorganic and Organic)" (spring semester) at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Patras, Greece.

2020-2021: Postdoctoral researcher at the Hellenic Open University in the framework of the project "Utilization of Greek minerals for the production of green diesel from residual fatty raw materials - MIS 5050619 /CODE: 80046".

2019 – 2020:

  • Collaborating faculty member of the Hellenic Open University within the framework of the postgraduate studies program "Chemical and Biomolecular Analysis", for the Laboratory Thematic Unit/Laboratory of Chemical Analysis. (spring semester)
  • Autonomous teaching of the course and the laboratory "General and Inorganic Chemistry" at the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics of the University of Peloponnese, within the framework of the "Acquisition of Academic Experience for Young Scientists with PhDs". (2 semesters)

2019 - 2022: Post-doctoral researcher in the program entitled: "Research Infrastructure for the Development of Food Bioprocesses and the Exploitation of Innovations" - Food Innovation RI" which is being developed at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Patras, with Professor Maria Kanellaki as principal investigator.

2018 (5 months): Researcher at Institute of Chemical Engineering Science (FORTH/ICE-HT), in the project "Development and characterization of electrocatalysts for the investigation of the H2O/CO2 co-electrolysis process on Solid Oxide high temperature electrolysis cells" in the frame of "SElySOs" program, GA: 671481, "Development of new electrode materials and understanding of degradation mechanisms on Solid Oxide High Temperature Electrolysis Cells".

2015-2017: Researcher at the Hellenic Open University in the frame of Research Projects of Excellence ΙΚΥ/SIEMENS for PhD candidates.

2016 (3 months): Erasmus+ placement at Instituto de Catalisis y Petroleoquimica, CSIC, Madrid, Spain.

2014-2015: Technical staff in the frame of the program Excellence ΙΙ, with duties: Α) Preparation and characterization of tubular cellulose samples from various raw materials in order to be utilized in brewing and in the production of probiotic from sour milk. Β) Development and immobilization of microorganisms on the samples of tubular cellulose, which were evaluated as biocatalysts for extremely low temperature fermentation.

2014-today: Member of Hellenic Catalysis Society

Reviewer activity

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental (9)

Catalysts (9)

Fuel Processing Technology (4)

Catalysis Science & Technology (3)

ACS Applied Nano Materials (2)

Applied Catalysis A: General (2)

Coatings (2)

Energy & Fuels (2)

Sustainable Energy & Fuels (2)

Applied Materials Today (1)

Dalton Transactions (1)

International Journal of Energy Research (1)

Journal of Chemistry (1)

Minerals (1)

Processes (1)

Sustainability (1)



Research Activities


Development, characterization and evaluation of heterogeneous catalysts for:

  • Biofuels production from residual fatty biomass,
  • Production of chemicals from biomass,
  • Environmental protection.

Representative Publications

  • E. Kordouli*, Ch. Kordulis, A. Lycourghiotis, R. Cole, P.T. Vasudevan, B. Pawelec and J.L.G. Fierro, HDO activity of carbon-supported Rh, Ni and MoNi catalysts, Molecular Catalysis 441 (2017) 209–220. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mcat.2017.08.013
  • E. Kordouli, L. Sygellou, C. Kordulis, K. Bourikas, A. Lycourghiotis, Probing the synergistic ratio of the NiMo/γ-Al2O3 reduced catalysts for the transformation of natural triglycerides into green diesel, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 209 (2017) 12–22. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2017.02.045
  • E. Kordouli*, B. Pawelec, K. Bourikas, C. Kordulis, J. L. G. Fierro, A. Lycourghiotis, “Mo promoted Ni-Al2O3 co-precipitated catalysts for green diesel production”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 229 (2018) 139–154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.02.015
  • E. Kordouli*, B. Pawelec, C. Kordulis, A. Lycourghiotis, J.L.G. Fierro, “Hydrodeoxygenation of phenol on bifunctional Ni-based catalysts: Effects of Mo promotion and support”, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 238 (2018) 147–160. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apcatb.2018.07.012
  • J. Kyriakopoulos, E. Kordouli*, K. Bourikas, C. Kordulis, A. Lycourghiotis “Decolorization of Orange-G Aqueous Solutions over C60/MCM-41 Photocatalysts”, Applied Sciences 9 (2019) 1958. https://doi.org/10.3390/app9091958
  • K. Fani, S. Lycourghiotis, K. Bourikas, E. Kordouli* “Biodiesel Upgrading to Renewable Diesel over Nickel Supported on Natural Mordenite Catalysts” Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60(51) (2021) 18695−18706. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.iecr.1c02560
  • K. Fani, S. Lycourghiotis, K. Bourikas, E. Kordouli*, “Influence of Natural Mordenite Activation Mode on Its Efficiency as Support of Nickel Catalysts for Biodiesel Upgrading to Renewable Diesel” Nanomaterials 13 (2023) 1603. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano13101603
  • G. Petropoulos, J. Zafeiropoulos, E. Kordouli*, A. Lycourghiotis, C. Kordulis, K. Bourikas “Influence of Nickel Loading and the Synthesis Method on the Efficiency of Ni/TiO2 Catalysts for Renewable Diesel Production” Energies 16 (2023) 4333. https://doi.org/10.3390/en16114333
  • J. Zafeiropoulos, G. Petropoulos, E. Kordouli*, L. Sygellou, A. Lycourghiotis, K. Bourikas, Renewable Diesel Production over Mo-Ni Catalysts Supported on Silica. Catalysts 14 (2024) 662. https://doi.org/10.3390/catal14100662
  • E. Kordouli, S. Lycourghiotis, K. Bourikas, A. Lycourghiotis, C. Kordulis, Renewable diesel synthesis by hydro-processing in green solvents. Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry 48 (2024) 100936. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cogsc.2024.100936.

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Dept of Chemistry
University of Patras
University Campus
Rio Achaias
26504 Greece
Tel: (+302610) 996202 & 996205 (postsec), 996203 & 996204 (gradsec)

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