Stamatatos C. Theocharis


Tel: (+302610) 996730


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Contact hours: 10:00-12:00 daily

Curriculum Vitae

Academic Background:

April 2003 - September 2006: Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.
October 2006 - December 2008: Adjunct Post-Doctoral Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Florida, Gainesville FL, USA.  
October 2010 - June 2012: Lecturer (PD 407/80), Departments of Chemistry and Materials Science, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.
July 2012 - July 2016: Assistant Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry Department, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
July 2016 - December 2018: Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemistry Department, Brock University, St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada.
December 2018 - to date: Associate Professor of Inorganic Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.


25 Undergraduate Students (“Undergraduate Research Thesis”)
6 Post-graduate Students (M.Sc. Degrees)
5 Post-graduate Students (Ph.D. Degrees)
2 Post-doctoral Fellows

Fellowships and Grants:

  • «MOBILITY GRANT», 2013. Embassy of France in Canada.
  • «NSERC DISCOVERY GRANT», 2013-2018. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
  • «BSIG/BUAF RESEARCH SEED GRANT», 2013-2016. Brock University.
  • «NSERC RESEARCH TOOLS AND INSTRUMENTS», 2014 & 2017. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.
  • «HUMBOLDT RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP FOR EXPERIENCED RESEARCHERS», 2016-2018. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
  • «EARLY RESEARCHER AWARDS», 2015. Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation.
  • «MATCH OF MINDS / INQUIRING MINDS», 2015 & 2016. Brock University.

Awards and Academic Distinctions:

  • YOUNG INVESTIGATOR AWARD - American Chemical Society 2007.
  • ADocMolMag AWARD - An European Award on Molecular Magnetism Doctoral Thesis for the best PhD thesis in Molecular Magnetism and related fields, Florence, Italy, 2008.
  • EMERGING INVESTIGATORS, Royal Society of Chemistry 2010.

Authorship Activity - Web of Science (January 2019)

Sum of the Times Cited: 4981
Sum of Times Cited without self-citations: 4255
Average Citations per Item:33.43
h-index: 39




Research Activities

  • Synthesis, structural, spectroscopic and physicochemical characterization of coordination compounds.
  • Transformation of magnetically and optically promising molecular compounds into multifunctional materials for applications in molecule-based electronics and spintronics.
  • Synthesis of single-molecule magnets for applications in quantum computation and high-density memory storage devices.
  • Synthesis of molecular multiferroic materials for high-tec applications.
  • Synthesis and characterization of photoswitchable magnetic materials to achieve entanglement of elementary binary units (qubits).
  • Structural and catalytic analogues of the oxygen evolving complex within the active site of Photosystem II.

Representative Publications

  • D. I. Alexandropoulos, K. R. Vignesh, Th. C. Stamatatos, K. R. Dunbar,
    “Rare “Janus”-Faced {FeII7} Single-Molecule Magnet Exhibiting Intramolecular Ferromagnetic Interactions”,
    Chemical Science, 2019, in press.
  • Th. C. Stamatatos, E. Rentschler,
    “Organic Chelate-free and Azido-rich Metal Clusters and Coordination Polymers from the Use of Me3SiN3: A New Synthetic Route to Complexes with Beautiful Structures and Diverse Magnetic Properties”,
    Chemical Communications, 55, 11, 2019.
  • J. Krause, D. I. Alexandropoulos, L. M. Carrella, E. Rentschler, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “Increasing the Nuclearity and Spin Ground State in a New Family of Ferromagnetically-coupled {Ni10} Disk-like Complexes Bearing Exclusively End-on Bridging Azido Ligands”,
    Chemical Communications, 54, 12499, 2018.
  • A. A. Alaimo, A. Worrell, S. Das Gupta, C. Lampropoulos, G. Christou, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “Structural and Magnetic Variations in a Family of Isoskeletal, Oximate-bridged {MnIV2MIII} Complexes (MIII = Mn, Gd, Dy)”,
    Chemistry – A European Journal, 24, 2588, 2018.
  • P. Abbasi, K. Quinn, D. I. Alexandropoulos, M. Damjanović, W. Wernsdorfer, A. Escuer, J. Mayans, M. Pilkington, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “Transition metal single-molecule magnets: A {Mn31} nano-sized cluster with a large energy barrier of ~60 K and magnetic hysteresis at ~5 K”,
    Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139, 15644, 2017.
  • D. I. Alexandropoulos, K. M. Poole, L. Cunha-Silva, J. Ahmad Sheikh, W. Wernsdorfer, G. Christou, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “A family of ‘windmill’-like {Cu6Ln12} complexes exhibiting single-molecule magnetism behavior and large magnetic entropy changes”,
    Chemical Communications, 53, 4266, 2017.
  • E. C. Mazarakioti, J. Regier, L. Cunha-Silva, W. Wernsdorfer, M. Pilkington, J. Tang, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “Large energy barrier and magnetization hysteresis at 5 K for a symmetric {Dy2} complex with spherical tricapped trigonal prismatic DyIII ions”,
    Inorganic Chemistry, 56, 3568, 2017.
  • P. S. Perlepe, L. Cunha-Silva, K. Gagnon, S. J. Teat, C. Lampropoulos, A. Escuer, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “‘Ligands-with-Benefits’: Naphthalene-substituted Schiff bases yielding new NiII metal clusters with ferromagnetic and emissive properties and undergoing exciting transformations”,
    Inorganic Chemistry, 55, 1270, 2016.
  • A. A. Alaimo, D. Takahashi, L. Cunha-Silva, G. Christou, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “Emissive {MnIII4Ca} clusters with square pyramidal topologies: Synthetic, structural, and spectroscopic and physicochemical characterization”,
    Inorganic Chemistry, 54, 2137, 2015.
  • D. I. Alexandropoulos, L. Cunha-Silva, A. Escuer, Th. C. Stamatatos,
    “New classes of ferromagnetic materials with exclusively end-on azido bridges: From single-molecule magnets to 2D molecule-based magnets”,
    Chemistry - A European Journal, 20, 13860, 2014.

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Dept of Chemistry
University of Patras
University Campus
Rio Achaias
26504 Greece
Tel: (+302610) 996202 & 996205 (postsec), 996203 & 996204 (gradsec)

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