Gatos Dimitrios


Tel: (+302610) 997172, 997171


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Curriculum Vitae

Dimitrios Gatos was born in Steni-Euboea, Greece, in 1958. He studied Chemistry at the University of Patras, from where he was graduated in 1980. He carried out postgraduate studies at the Department of Chemistry, University of Patras and completed his PhD thesis in 1984. During the period 1981-1988 he was Research Assistant at the Chemistry Department, University of Patras. In 1988 he was appointed Lecturer at the same Department. Since 2003, he is Associate Professor of Organic Chemistry. He has conducted postdoctoral work for six months at Max-Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Munich, Germany (1990).


  • Organic Chemistry of Functional Groups I (Chem. Dept., University of Patras)
  • Chemistry II (Dept. of Primary Education, University of Patras)
  • Peptide and Combinatorial Chemistry (MSc Programme 'Medicinal Chemistry'; Chem. Dept., University of Patras)

Research Activities

Chemistry of Aminoacids, Peptides and Proteins.

Representative Publications

  • K. K. Barlos, D. Gatos, Z. Vasileiou and K. Barlos
    An optimized chemical synthesis of human relaxin-2”
    J. Peptide Sci., 2010, 16, 200-211.
  • Z. Vasileiou, K. K. Barlos, D. Gatos, K. Adermann, C. Deraison and K. Barlos
    Synthesis of the Proteinase Inhibitor LEKTI Domain 6 by the Fragment Condensation Method and Regioselective Disulfide Bond Formation”.
    Biopolymers (Peptide Science), 2010, 94, 339-349.
  • Z. Vasileiou, K. K. Barlos and D. Gatos
    “Convergent solid-phase and solution approaches in the synthesis of the cysteine-rich Mdm2 RING finger domain”
    J. Peptide Sci., 2009, 15, 824-831.
  • S. Goulas, D. Gatos and K. Barlos
    "Convergent solid-phase synthesis of hirudin".
    J. Peptide Sci. 2006, 12, 116-123.
  • S. Mourtas, C. Katakalou, A. Nicolettou, C. Tzavara, D. Gatos, K. Barlos
    "Resin-bound aminothiols: synthesis and application".
    Tetrahedron Letters, 2003, 44(1), 179-182.
  • M. Karavoltsos, S. Mourtas, D. Gatos, K. Barlos
    "SPPS of protected peptidyl aminoalkyl amides"
    Journal Peptide Sci. 2002, 8(11), 615-620.
  • S. Mourtas, D. Gatos, M. Karavoltsos, C. Katakalou, K. Barlos
    "Resin-bound mercapto acids: synthesis and application".
    Tetrahedron Letters, 2002, 43(18), 3419-3421.
  • S. Mourtas, D. Gatos, V. Kalaitzi, C. Katakalou, K. Barlos
    "S-4-Methoxytrityl mercapto acids: synthesis and application".
    Tetrahedron Letters, 2001, 42(39), 6965-6967.
  • S. Mourtas, D. Gatos and K. Barlos
    "Solid-phase synthesis of benzothiazolyl compounds".
    Tetrahedron Letters, 2001, 42(11), 2201-2204.
  • D. Gatos and C. Tzavara
    "Comparison of the solid-phase fragment condensation and phase-change approaches in the synthesis of salmon I calcitonin".
    Journal of Peptide Research, 2001, 57, 168-174.

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Dept of Chemistry
University of Patras
University Campus
Rio Achaias
26504 Greece
Tel: (+302610) 996202 & 996205 (postsec), 996203 & 996204 (gradsec)

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