Multimedia Room

The Multimedia room is located on the ground floor of the North Chemistry Building. It is equipped with 13 PCs and an IBM RISC 6000 computer terminal. The laboratory is used for Seminars and Workshops. Users have access to a large number of software programs.

The new Multimedia Laboratory, which is equipped with 30 PCs, is located on the first floor of the North Chemistry Building. This laboratory was financed through the EPEAEK II program, entitled "Upgrading of the Undergraduate Study Program of the Chemistry Department".

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Αίθουσα συνεδριάσεων
Αίθουσα πολυμέσων
Υπολογιστικό κέντρο
Αίθουσα σεμιναρίων
Αμφιθέατρο διδασκαλίας 10
Αίθουσα διδασκαλίας ΒΝΚ
Αίθουσα διδασκαλίας ΧΒ


Dept of Chemistry
University of Patras
University Campus
Rio Achaias
26504 Greece
Tel: (+302610) 996202 & 996205 (postsec), 996203 & 996204 (gradsec)

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